🎵 | What follows is a playlist dedicated to the Zapatistas. The first song is perhaps the most famous of theirs: The Zapatista Anthem, or Himno Zapatista. The very last track, Se Acabó (It’s Over), is also an EZLN original.
In between these two tracks are five composed by other bands in honor of the Zapatistas’ 20-year anniversary in 2014.
To learn more about some of these other bands, check out this resource for Latin American rebel music: https://www.latinorebels.com/2014/01/02/rebelsounds-and-latino-resiste-present-ezln-20-years-a-musical-compilation/ (More tracks may also be available via that link!)
[Track list]
- Himno Zapatista (Anthem of the Zapatistas)
- Matanza en Baranquilla (Killing in Baranquilla) by P18 Live Machine
- Papa Con Yuca (Potatoes with Yuca) by Federico Goes
- La Marcha de la Dignidad (The March of Dignity) by DJ Subversivo
- This track is labeled “Espiritu del Bosque” (Spirit of the Forest) by Mr. Toé in the Rebel Sounds compilation, but “Espiritus del Monte” (Spirits of the Mountain) on Mr. Toé‘s own Soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/mr-to/espiritus-del-bosque-by-mr-to)
- Levantate Campesino (Rise up, countryperson) by José de Molina
- Se Acabó (It’s Over)
Run Time: 26 minutes