Tag: Revolutionary Music

  • Zapatistas, by DJ Sigua

    Zapatistas, by DJ Sigua

    🎵 | What follows is a playlist dedicated to the Zapatistas. The first song is perhaps the most famous of theirs: The Zapatista Anthem, or Himno Zapatista. The very last track, Se Acabó (It’s Over), is also an EZLN original. In between these two tracks are five composed by other bands in honor of the…

  • Borikén, by Dj Sigua

    Borikén, by Dj Sigua

    🎵 | This music is all from or about Borikén, aka “Puerto Rico.” Most of it is quite old. The exceptions are the fifth track, released in 2017; and the final track, which dropped in 2018. The set consists of the following six vocal tracks: Interspersed between them are four Taino drumming interludes, each of…