‘The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist’
[by Propagandhi, from their album ‘Less Talk, More Rock’, released April 23, 1996]
Swastikas and Klan-robes
Sexists, racists, homophobes
Aryan-Nations and Hammerskins
You can wear my nuts on your Nazi chins
I love a man in uniform!
Just what exactly are the great historical accomplishments
Of your race that make you proud to be white?
Capitalism? Slavery? Genocide? Sit-coms?
This is Your fucking white-history, my friend.
So why don’t we start making a history worth being proud of
And start fighting the real fucking enemy?
Swastikas and Klan-robes
Sexists, racists, homophobes
This one’s for the master race
My brown-power ass in your white-power face
Kill them all and let a Norse God sort ’em out!
Propagandhi is a Canadian punk rock band formed in 1986 by guitarist Chris Hannah and drummer Jord Samolesky. The band is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and was completed by bassist Todd Kowalski and guitarist Sulynn Hago.

While their earlier work was aligned with the punk rock and skate punk tradition, in later years, Propagandhi records have moved towards a heavier and more technical heavy metal-influenced sound. In their lyrics and hands-on activism, the band’s members champion various left-wing and anarchist causes and veganism. They have taken a vocal stance against human rights violations, sexism, racism, nationalism, homophobia, imperialism, capitalism, and organized religion.
